Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Karina Yepez prepares for National Competition

Karina Yepez, a senior at Polytechnic High School was the winner of the Long Beach ACT-SO Student Culinary Competition on May 5, 2012. With her victory, she was invited to compete in a national student culinary competition held in Houston, Texas from July 5-8, 2012. The grand prize winner of the national competition will be awarded a $50,000 dollar scholarship to attend a culinary academy after graduating high school.

With the help of KYDS instructor Chef Art Luna, as well as multiple chefs volunteering their time, Karina has been maintaining an intense training schedule to prepare for the competition. She will be preparing an Asian style dish and presenting it to a jury of nationally recognized Chefs at the competition.

KYDS is very proud of Karina, and have contributed to offset the costs to help her compete. Karina will be leaving for Houston on July 5th and will return on July 9th. We wish her the very best and will be rooting for her and will be waiting for the good news!